Mortgage Business Intelligence Made Simple

Mortgage forecasts, data, maps, and tools to build effective lending strategies.

Market-level Mortgage Data and Tools for Growth

The size and composition of mortgage opportunity varies from market to market and from year to year. The best way to hit the moving target time and time again is with data that, down to a neighborhood level, helps reveal missed opportunities and pinpoint tomorrow's hotspots.
Mortgage Business Insights

Diverse Mortgage Lending—More Important Than Ever

iEmergent MBA DEI Award

At iEmergent, we look at what’s coming in mortgage markets. What have we found? That diversity in lending can no longer be an afterthought. It’s mission critical for the future of lenders and for the homebuyers in the communities they serve.

What’s your plan to grow and embrace diversity?

Action-oriented Mortgage Software

Data isn’t useful if you can’t turn it into action. That’s why our powerful platform, Mortgage MarketSmart, blends data from different sources to give you next steps—for tomorrow, next year, and beyond. 

Lenders use Mortgage MarketSmart to look back at missed opportunities, look forward to up-and-coming diverse markets, and build recruitment and resourcing strategies for targeted growth today.

action oriented mortgage software

How iEmergent Helps Lenders

Whether you’re a top-10 national lender or a small community bank, mortgage market intelligence is vital for lending success. Here are just some of the ways we help lenders with our data, tools, and expertise.

Identify pockets of growth opportunity

Find high-quality partners and build referral relationships

Pinpoint diverse markets for community lending

Inform strategic decisions like new branches and programs

And more...

Set realistic, market-driven sales goals

Recruit MLOs based on strategic priorities

Mortgage Data in Action

Firstrust Bank partnered with iEmergent to flip mortgage originations from 70% wholesale to 70% retail in less than a year.

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LMCU uses iEmergent market intelligence to boost their originations, grow referral networks, and recruit top talent.

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First Commonwealth Bank used iEmergent data, tools, and expertise to build a special purpose credit program (SPCP).

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Why We’re Focused on Mortgage Diversity

The future belongs to those who adapt and change. The homebuyer pool is growing more and more diverse, and lenders need to be purposeful about strategies that reach these changing markets.

Did you know?

  • 8.5 million new households are forecasted to be formed between 2020-2030. Only 455,000 are expected to be white.
  • There are millions of mortgage-ready Black and Hispanic households today.
  • There’s $2.5 trillion in purchase opportunity to non-white households over the next 5 years.

Equitable lending is a way to help the community, but it’s also a prudent business strategy. The loans are out there; you might just have to proactively look where you haven’t before.

diverse lending iEmergent

What Clients Say

“To say that we used Mortgage MarketSmart to develop an SPCP is a robust understatement… It would be a mistake to think of iEmergent as just a data provider. They are much more active than that.”

Evan Zuverink, First Commonwealth Bank

“Other market intelligence firms’ products were so technical you’d need a data team to manage them, but iEmergent presented equally powerful capabilities in an accessible way. You don’t have to be a tech wizard to understand it or use it.”

John Harpst, Lake Michigan Credit Union

“My LOs…are very pleased with how they can use Mortgage MarketSmart to grow volume by helping underserved, mortgage-ready consumers.”

Jadira Hoptry, First Merchants Bank

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