Market reports, forecast data, industry insights, and more from iEmergent.
Insighton Business the News Hour with Michael Libbieis a production of our advertising agency, Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications and is the only daily, hour-long business broadcast in the region. The News Hour is made possible through the sponsorship of: Iowa Soft Water of the Des Moines Metro, Aureon of West Des Moines, Iowa Computer Repair of Windsor Heights, ReMax Real Estate Concepts of the Des Moines Metro, the Iowa Association of Business and Industry, The Strudl Haus of Des Moines, Manpower of Central Iowa, Tero International and the Kreamer Law Firm of West Des Moines.
Trends...they are critical to understand and if you can spot them before your competition your business has a distinct advantage. In the world of banking there now is, if you will, a crystal ball that helps financial institutions plan on where to spend resources from marketing to opening up a new branch. Meet Bernard and Laird Nossuli the people behind the technology of iEmergent. We think you'll find their story interesting. Our thanks to Mike Colwell of Square One DSM for the introduction.