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NOW is the time

Successful lenders will prepare today for the changing markets of tomorrow.  

  • Reality #1: The market is pivoting to purchase.  
  • Reality #2: The demographics of opportunity are changing.
  • Reality #3: Regulations will tighten and incentives will broaden to support housing equity.
Don't look back at historical data or continue with the same strategies.  NOW is the time to look ahead, find your new competitive advantage, and expand your business. 

don't miss opp map

Powerful Analytics and Insight:

  • Mortgage Opportunity Forecasts (2021-2025)

  •  National to Tract-Level Detail and 24 Market Segments

  • 100% Geographic Coverage

  • Current real estate listing and agent data

  • Competitive Landscape: Top Lenders and Lender Share Reports

  • Demographic Data

  • Current & HMDA originations

  • Coming Soon: Comprehensive Mortgage Loan Officer Originations Data

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      Our Solutions:

    • Mortgage MarketSmart


    • Market ScoreCard

    • HMDA & Forecast Reports

      Used by:

    • Executives and Leaders

    • Business Development Leaders

    • National, Divisional and Regional Sales Managers

    • Loan Officers

    • Data and Analytics Departments

    • Compliance Teams

    How We Help Lenders

    How Lenders Leverage iEmergent